• My University, SUIBE

    My University, SUIBE

         I am actually studying at Shanghai University of International Business and Economic (SUIBE). The university is located in Shanghaï (N1900 Wenxiang Rd, Songjang district). Its localization is very convenient for us who are living in one subway stop station from the campus.
    SUIBE was founded in 1960. It consists of 12 schools (school of foreign languages, research and education, international studies...), offers 32 undergraduate programs (in economic, management and natural science, literature, law). Welcoming 12 000 students, local and foreigners, SUIBE's model of education aims at nurturing future professionals specialized in international economy and trade, with a readiness to apply their knowledge into practice. As a consequence, the university has been an active player in international exchanges and cooperation in education and established partnership in a lot of countries : ESDES Lyon is one of them. 

    The first time I came to SUIBE, I met Mrs. Huang Ying who is in charge of the Esdes students in the university. She was very welcomed and gave us all the information we needed for our courses. I choose 5 different courses :

    • Chinese culture. It is really interesting studying the culture of China over many topics as Chinese medicine, Tai chi, belief, Chinese oldest tradition, etc. We're discovering the history of the country through it and it help us to understand why inhabitants are paying so much attention on tradition and culture nowadays.
    • Strategic Management with Asian Focus
    • Supply Chain management
    • How to do business in China
    • Strategic Marketing in China

    I have class with six other Esdes Students (3 of them are my roommates) and foreigners. Most of them are from France and Europe, but also from many part of Asia and USA. It is really pleasant to have class with foreigners. We do not have the same way to work, we have different point of view because of our different culture and way to live. And there are big differences regarding our level of English ! It is hard being concentrated on an English course for 3 following hours. For my part, courses are quite interesting especially "Strategic Management With Asian Focus". The main objective of the course is to improve students understanding of how are the fundamental concepts of strategic management relevant when the foreign companies enter the Asian markets or when the Asian companies enter the foreign market.

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